# Website Developer Guide

This guide describes all steps required to build the website at https://www.asterics.eu (opens new window).

# Requirements

Following tools need to be setup on your machine:

# Get Started

To build the website, execute following steps:

~ $ git clone https://github.com/asterics/asterics-docs.git
~ $ cd asterics-docs
~/asterics-docs $ yarn


asterics-docs (opens new window) contains three branches with predefined roles:

After executing these steps, the main repository is cloned and all required packages are installed.


Consider cloning asterics-docs (opens new window) inside a folder, that contains other AsTeRICS repostories for faster cloning of submodules (cf. parameter reference).

For the next steps, we have to use commands provided by @asterics-docs/tool, which includes cloning all repositories containing documentation for https://www.asterics.eu (opens new window). The configuration for @asterics-docs/tool is stored in docs.config.js (see Configuration for details).

~/asterics-docs $ yarn docs init     # @asterics-docs/tool docs init
~/asterics-docs $ yarn docs setup    # @asterics-docs/tool docs setup

These steps will clone all repositories and copy specified files in a single folder, which is used to build the website.

~/asterics-docs $ yarn dev           # Start the development server
~/asterics-docs $ yarn build         # Build for deployment

After executing the last step, you can locate the finished build in folder dist/.

# @asterics-docs/tool

To install @asterics-docs/tool inside a project, run following command.

For npm run:

$ npm install @asterics-docs/tool    # local installation
$ npm install -g @asterics-docs/tool # global installation

For yarn run:

$ yarn add @asterics-docs/tool       # local installation
$ yarn add global @asterics-docs/tool # global installation

Aftwards you can run @asterics-docs/tool:

$ npx asterics-docs --help           # local installation
$ asterics-docs --help               # global installation

# Commands

asterics-docs/tool and supported commands provide a detailed help on parameters and options.

$ npx asterics-docs -h               # @asterics-docs/tool help instruction
$ npx asterics-docs <command> -h     # @asterics-docs/tool command help instruction

The package.json (opens new window) of asterics-docs contains a script to run @asterics-docs/tool. Thus, the above commands can be expressed as follows (inside asterics-docs (opens new window)):

$ yarn docs -h                       # @asterics-docs/tool help instruction
$ yarn docs <command> -h             # @asterics-docs/tool command help instruction

# init

Clone all submodules of asterics-docs.

$ asterics-docs init                 # global installation
$ yarn docs init                     # inside asterics-docs
$ yarn docs init --help
asterics-docs init

  -h, --help    Show this help.
  -c, --config  Path to configuration file.
  --reference   Pull git submodules from remote (use --no-reference).

# clean

Delete all submodules of asterics-docs.

$ asterics-docs clean                # global installation
$ yarn docs clean                    # inside asterics-docs
$ yarn docs clean --help
asterics-docs clean

  -h, --help    Show this help.
  -c, --config  Path to configuration file.

# setup

Copy all files according to the configuration (see configuration parameter source and sources).

$ asterics-docs setup                # global installation
$ yarn docs setup                    # inside asterics-docs
$ yarn docs setup --help
asterics-docs setup

  --version      Show version number.
  -h, --help     Show this help.
  -c, --config   Path to configuration file.
  -v, --verbose  Print all entries.

# index

Show information on entry inside the source directory of asterics-docs (e.g., configuration, conflicts).

$ asterics-docs index                # global installation
$ yarn docs index README.md          # inside asterics-docs
$ yarn docs index --help
asterics-docs index [path]

  path  a path of the index

  -h, --help    Show this help.
  -c, --config  Path to configuration file.
  --conflicts   Show conflicting entries.
  --silent      Do not print indexed paths.

# status

Show status of source directory of asterics-docs.

$ asterics-docs status               # global installation
$ yarn docs status                   # inside asterics-docs
$ yarn docs status -h
asterics-docs status

  -h, --help    Show this help.
  -c, --config  Path to configuration file.

# add

Stage changes inside the source directory of asterics-docs.

$ asterics-docs add <file>           # global installation
$ yarn docs add <file>               # inside asterics-docs
$ yarn docs add --help
asterics-docs add <file>

  file  File/folder to add.

  -h, --help    Show this help.
  -c, --config  Path to configuration file.


Commiting can only be done per repository.

Creating new files inside asterics-docs is currently not supported. If you need to create new files, you have to copy those files manually or create them before running yarn docs setup.

Please don’t stage changes of different repositories at the same time or new files.

# commit

Commit changes inside the source directory of asterics-docs and source repository.

$ asterics-docs commit <submodule> <message> # global installation
$ yarn docs commit <submodule> <message> # inside asterics-docs
$ yarn docs commit --help
asterics-docs commit <submodule> <message>

  submodule  Submodule selected for commit.
  message    Commit message.

  -h, --help    Show this help.
  -c, --config  Path to configuration file.

# push

Push submodule changes to remote repository.

$ asterics-docs push [submodule] [branch] # global installation
$ yarn docs push [submodule] [branch] # inside asterics-docs
asterics-docs push [submodule] [branch]

  submodule  Submodule selected for update.
  branch     Branch of submodule to be updated (with rebase).

  --version     Show version number.
  -h, --help    Show this help.
  -c, --config  Path to configuration file.


Specifying no submodule, results in all branches of all submodules beeing updated.

Specifying both submodule and branch, results in a pull (with rebase) followed by a push of specified branch.

# Configuration

# base

  • Type: string
  • Default: null
  • Example: /

The base URL the site will be deployed at. You will need to change this if you plan to deploy your site under a sub path. If you plan to deploy your site to https://www.asterics.eu/next/, then you should set base to "/next/".

# port

  • Type: number
  • Default: null
  • Example: 8080

Specify the port to use fot the dev server.

# source

  • Type: string
  • Default: null
  • Example: docs

Specify the output directory of @asterics-docs/tool or input directory for vuepress. Relative paths are resolved based on the result of process.cwd().

# dest

  • Type: string
  • Default: null
  • Example: dist

Specify the output directory for vuepress build. Relative paths are resolved based on the result of process.cwd().

# host

  • Type: string
  • Default: null
  • Example: https://www.asterics.eu

Specify the host were page it deployed to.

# versions

  • Type: array
  • Default: null
  • Example: ["4.0", "3.0.1", "3.0", "2.8", "2.7", "2.6", "2.5", "2.3"]

Specify the version you want to build. First entry is always the current version and is not sub-pathed as others.

# sources

  • Type: array

The definition of sourcesConfig is as follows:

interface normalSourcesConfig {
  repository: string; // name of repository in .gitmodules
  reference: string; // reference location of git repository
  files: [filesConfig]; // file dependencies of submodule (for asterics-docs)

interface filesConfig {
  source: string; // source location (folder/file)
  destination: string; // target destination (asterics-docs)
  filter: regexp; // regular expression for paths to include
  exclude: regexp; // regular expression for paths to exclude
  branch: string; // branch containing the required files, or
  versions: [string, string]; // version map, specifying branches for each version ([version, branch])

type sourceConfig = normalSourcesConfig;