# About Us
The AsTeRICS framework was initially developed from 2010 to 2013 by an international consortium, led by KI-I (opens new window). The technical management was done by UAS Technikum Wien (opens new window). The project was funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7 - 2007-2013). G.A.No. 247730. Please go to the AsTeRICS project (opens new window) web page for more details.
Since 2013 there were many follow-up projects, with important improvements to the AsTeRICS framework. Please find below a list of the involved projects in chronological order:
- AsTeRICS Academy (opens new window), 2013-2016, grant nr. 14-02, MA23, City of Vienna
- Prosperity4All (opens new window), 2014-2018, grant nr. 610510, FP7, European Union
- ToRaDes (opens new window), 2016-2019, grant nr. 18-04, MA23, City of Vienna
- StudyATHome Internationally (opens new window), 2018-2022, grant nr. 22-07, MA23, City of Vienna
# Contributions
If you want to contribute to the project, please read the contribute page first.
# Partner Organizations
The projects above were initiated and executed by the following partner organizations:
- KI-I (opens new window), Competence Network Information Technology to Support the Integration of People with Disabilities