# Contribute
The AsTeRICS framework is Open Source and mainly driven by funded projects and the AsTeRICS foundation.
Contributions from the community are absolutely welcome and could be in form of documentation, issue or code.
# Documentation
This web page is orchestrated in the asterics-docs (opens new window) repository which again fetches documentation from other repositories of the AsTeRICS framework. Most of the content is documented in AsTeRICS/Documentation/docs (opens new window).
If you see any typo, missing or wrong information on a page, please click onto the Edit this page on GitHub
link, which can be found on the bottom of each page.
You will be autmatically redirected to the respective markdown document in the source repository.
After editing please send a pull request to the respective repository.
Additionally, you can find the links to the Editors Guide , the Markdown Guide and the Developer Guide , next to every edit link.
# Issue / Bug Report
If you find a bug or would like to suggest a feature, please go to the issue tracking page of the respective repository.
Please use the following issue tracker, regarding
- Plugins (opens new window)
- ARE (opens new window)
- ACS (opens new window)
- WebACS (opens new window)
- Grid (opens new window)
# Code
If you want to contribute code, please fork the respective respository and send a pull request to us.
Please use the following repositories, regarding