# ARE Status
In the bottom left corner the ACS displays the ARE status. Once connected to an ARE, this status actually consists of two parts:
- the connection status and
- the synchronisation status.
The connection status can be one of the following:
- Disconnected: There is no connection to an ARE.
- Connected: A connection to an ARE has been established.
- Model running: The ACS is connected to an ARE and a model is running there.
- Model paused: The ACS is connected to an ARE and a model is paused there.
- Model stopped: The ACS is connected to an ARE and a model has been stopped there.
The synchronisation status can be either
- Synchronised, i.e. the model on the ARE is the same as the one selected in the ACS, or
- NOT Synchronised, i.e. the model on the ARE is different from the one selected in the ACS.
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