# Tobii4CHeadTracker
Component Type: Sensor (Subcategory: Computer Vision)
OS: Windows
This component provides access to the raw head tracking data of the Tobii Tracker 4C (opens new window) eye tracking device. The data includes the head position (x/y/z) in mm and the head rotation (x/y/z) in Euler angles. The Tobii4CHeadTracker plugin can be combined with the EyeX (opens new window) plugin to also get the eye gaze data.
The plugin connects to the device via the Tobii Eye Tracking Core Software (opens new window).
# Requirements
- OS: Windows
- USB port: The Tracker 4C needs at least a USB 2.0 port. Preferably don’t use a USB hub, or only use a recommended hub from Tobii (opens new window).
- Tobii Eye Tracking Core Software (opens new window) must be installed and running.
Tobii Tracker 4C
# Output Port Description
- **headRotX [double]*Head rotation x angle (Euler).
- **headRotY [double]*Head rotation y angle (Euler).
- **headRotZ [double]*Head rotation z angle (Euler).
- **headPosX [double]*Head position x coordinate (mm).
- **headPosY [double]*Head position y coordinate (mm).
- **headPosZ [double]*Head position y coordinate (mm).
# Event Listener Description
- activate: Activates (Turns on) the eye tracker device.
- deactivate Deactivates (Pauses) the eye tracker device.
# Event Trigger Description
- userPresenceStatusAway: Indicates that no user is sitting in front of the tracker.
- userPresenceStatusPresent: Indicates that a user is sitting in front of the tracker.
- calibrationStarted: Indicates that the tracker calibration has been started.
- calibrationFinished: Indicates that the tracker calibration has been finished.
- displayAreaChanged: Indicates that the assigned display has been changed.
- powerSaveStateTrue: Indicates that the tracker is in power save mode.
- powerSaveStateFalse: Indicates that the tracker is not in power save mode.
- deviceOff: Indicates that the tracker is currently paused.
- deviceOn: Indicates that the tracker is currently enabled.
# Properties
- enabled [boolean]: Selects if the tracker is enabled at startup.