# GSMModem
# Component Type: Actuator (Subcategory: Communication)
This component can perform send and receive SMS action through the GSM modem.
GSMModem plugin
# Requirements
A GSM modem with SMS option connected to the platform.
# Input Port Description
- phoneID [string]: Phone number which will be used for the send SMS action.
- SMSContent [string]: SMS content which will be used for the send SMS action.
# Output Port Description
- remotePhoneID [string]: This is a phone number of the SMS sender.
- receivedSMS [string]: This is the content of the incoming SMS.
- errorNumber [integer]: The number of the error.
# Event Listener Description
- sendSMS: Sends the SMS message.
# Event Trigger Description
- newSMS: There is a new message.
- error: An error occurred.
# Properties
- serialPort [string]: The modem COM port. If this parameter is empty, the component uses the port of the first modem found.
- **pin [string]
*The PIN code for the SIM card. If the PIN is not needed this property should be empty.
- smsCenterID [string]: SMS Center ID. If the Center ID is not needed this property should be empty.
- defaultPhoneID [string]: This is a default phone number, which will be used for the send SMS actions.