# DateToDouble
# Component Type: Processor (Subcategory: Easy Reading)
Converts a date string to a Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds, using the default time zone and a property-defined date format.
# Input Ports
- dateString [string]: Date string input to be converted using the date format given by the property.
The event
is also fired internally whenever this input port receives data.
# Output Ports
- timestampUnixMs [double]: The converted Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds.
# Event Listeners
- formatInput: Initiates conversion for the current input date string, triggers
when done.
# Event Triggers
- dateFormatted: Triggers when an output value is available at the output port.
- conversionFailed: Triggers when a conversion attempt failed (might happen if inputs are missing or do not fit the specified date format).
# Properties
- dateFormat [string, default: “dd.MM.yyyy-HH:mm:ss.SSS”]: The format of the incoming date string.
It is used for conversion into a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.
If invalid (according to
) or null, the default date format is tried. If conversion fails because of missing or invalid inputconversionFailed
is triggered.