# String Append

# Component Type: Processor (Subcategory: Event and String Processing)

Appends an incoming string or ASCII character to a stringbuffer, the updated stringbuffer is sent to an output port. Incoming events are available to send the final string to a dedicated output port and to clear the stringbuffer (or set it to a default value respectively).

Screenshot: StringAppend plugin

StringAppend plugin

# Input Port Description

  • inStr [string]: String input port.
  • inChar [integer]: ASCII code input port.

# Output Port Description

  • actResult [string]: String output port for current stringbuffer content.
  • finalResult [string]: String output port for final stringbuffer content (triggered by event or enter).

# Event Listener Ports

  • sendNow: sends the current content of the stringbuffer to the “finalResult” output port.
  • sendNowAndClear: sends the current content of the stringbuffer to the “finalResult” output port and sets the stringbuffer to the default value.
  • deleteCharacter: deletes the last character of the stringbuffer.
  • clear: sets the stringbuffer to the default value.

# Properties

  • autoSendAtEnter [boolean]: If true, the stringbuffer is sent and cleared when the ASCII value for Enter/Return is received by the inChar input port.

  • defaultValue [string]: An optional string text which is used a initial value for the stringbuffer.