# Filter
# Component Type: Processor (Subcategory: DSP and Feature Detection)
This plugin implements a FIR Filter
Filter plugin
# Input Port Description
- Input [double]: The signal to be filtered.
# Output Port Description
- Output [double]: The filtered signal.
- SignalPower [double]: Signal Power on the band pass.
# Properties
Order [integer]: Order of the filter. It is recommended to use orders around the sampling rate.
CutoffFreq1 [double]: Cutoff frequecy for low and high pass filter types. In case of band pass filters it is the low cutoff frequency of the band.
CutoffFreq2 [double]: In case of band pass filters it is the high cutoff frequency of the band.
SamplingRate [integer]: Sampling rate of the input signal.
Type [integer]: Type of filter (low, high or band pass filter).
SignalPowerUpdateRate [integer]: Update ratio for the SignalPower output port. The SignalPower output port provides a new value every time the Output port has provided N values, where N is the value of this property.
SignalPowerBufferSize [integer]: Length of the buffer that keeps the filtered signal that is used to compute the power of the signal.