# EventCounter
Component Type: Processor (Subcategory: Event and String Processing)
This component counts events. It can increase and decrease a counts via incoming events.
EventCounter plugin
# Input Port Description
- setValue [integer]: Sets the event counter to the incoming value. Note that this value is not propagated to the output port (to avoid loops).
# Output Port Description
- output [integer]: Sends the number of events.
# Event Listener Description
- increase: Increases the number of events.
- decrease: Decreases the number of events.
- resetToZero: Sets the event counter to zero.
- resetToInitial: Sets the event counter to the initial value (property).
- sendNow: sendes the current value of the counter to the output port
# Properties
mode [integer]: Defines counting mode:
no limit: The component counts events without any limitation.
limit maximum: In this mode, the maximum value of the counter is limited by the maxValue property.
limit minimum: In this mode, the minimum value of the counter is limited by the minValue property.
limit minimum and maximum: In this mode, both maximum and minimum values of the counter are limited by the maxValue amd minValue properties.
minValue [integer]: Defines the minimum value of the counter.
maxValue [integer]: Defines the maximum value of the counter.
initialValue [integer]: Defines the initial value of the counter.
wrapAround [boolean]: if selected and the appropriate mode is set, exceeding the maximum value will wrap to the minimum value and vice versa.
sendInitialValue [boolean]: if selected, the initial value is sent at the startup.
autoSend [boolean]: if selected, the changes of the event counter are sent immediately to the output port